Let's Speak The Same Language

Tuesday, December 18, 2018


Nothing new to report. Still working my way through algebra problems, specially troubled by the horrid word problems. No different than when I was a kid in school. I wrote a poem, a lushi, yesterday about aging and how my perceptions no longer elicit immediate emotional responses within me. I recall when I could not walk down a city street without being assailed by numerous often troubling and illusive emotions. Is this a blessing or a curse of age, I have to ask myself. My novel is still out there and a poetry ms at Iowa. I have little hope of success.

Monday, December 3, 2018


As of November 30, 2018, I've stopped writing and returned to working on intermediate algebra problems. It's fun to sit in coffee shops and work problems and learn new things. When I retired in 2003 at age 66, I began working at algebra. I monitored courses at the community college in Spokane. I had the goal of learning calculus. My father was a tool designer and, of course, as a CNC machinist, I used lots of math to perform my duties. Math is in my genes so to speak.

I did not win the Agnes Lynch Starrett Poetry Prize at the University of Pittsburg Press where I had submitted my ms based on my prostate cancer. The poetry was authentic and pretty decent, actually, but the competition is stiff. All the most recognized and ambitious poets submit to it, so it's no disgrace not to win. The same ms is still at the Iowa Review, and Ghoul World is still at DAW which says it will take at least 3 mos. to respond. I've still got several poetry submissions out at various literary magazines, and I do have a piece of prose history that's to be published by Geoff Peterson's in his Archipelago.

The reason I've stopped writing to be honest is that I tried to write a poem the other day. If writing is going well, the writer gets hits of emotion as he works. They reward writing. When those emotional jolts disappear, there's no impulse to continue writing. Writing is its own reward, and when one isn't being self-rewarded, it's time to take a break.