Looking at this new material, I see that my cleverness must be corrected again and, this time, thoroughly. My chronology has always been twisted in order to maintain what I've thought of as my clever opening. My plot has to be repaired. A complete rearrangement of early material is called for. O, no! The Nightmare Rewrite is upon me, the kind of complete rewrite that at my age (feeling rushed as I am by the grim reaper) I shrink from, but if this book is to be the one that somebody other than myself publishes (and it could be this book), then I will have to rearrange several early chapters and fragments of chapters. I will have to put my chronology in order.

I take a deep breath. Where will I find the time to keep rewriting Delinquent Lives, making these blog entries, court agents for Angie's Choice, attend the writer's group I enjoy, send off short stories and poetry to competitions, cook suppers for wife, read a book now and then, do the laundry, keep the house straightened up and manage to write fresh material at the same time? And what...if...after all this time and effort, nobody likes the book?
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