Let's Speak The Same Language

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


I've let this blog get behind times. Currently wife and I are in Spokane for a housewarming for my youngest son's new home he just bought along the Spokane River. This evening, we ate falafel sandwiches at Azar's on Monroe with Jeff, Mertie's brother, and caught up on his work adventures. On the drive over, several new plot twists came to mind for the current novel. If I can pull this off and complete it, I believe it will be the most interesting of novels. Will not be writing on the novel for a few days. Very hard to keep creative focus and energy when I'm on the road, driving around and visiting. Calling the novel, Manning, as working title, but feel that must change eventually and turn into a more intriguing title. This is current opening for Manning:
Fisherman Qwan Bak Ti catches his breath in his sleep then abruptly sits up. His eyes open. In the darkness, Ti Qwan places a small, work-calloused hand, missing two fingers, to his chest and finds no heartbeat under the deteriorating skin. The sleep of three days is over. He has awakened from the last sleep he will ever awaken from. Sorrow overwhelms the fisherman. Tears roll down his cheeks, but he smothers his sobs in his hands. He does not wish to awaken his wife who snores quietly beside him on the sleeping mat they have shared for three decades. Ti Qwan arises from the mat and ghosts through the mosquito netting that covers it.

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