When writing about an unfamiliar world of the future, in order to communicate his vision of that future, a writer must invent terms for futuristic places, conditions and cultural artifacts that don't currently exist. Otherwise, he'd be forced constantly to use longer descriptive passages each time the reader encounters the situation, place or thing. I'm building a lexicon, and at my age, I need to write it down in order to keep track of some of the terms that are mentioned less frequently. For example, the AutoPort Cab company which features driverless cabs that zip around town, controlled by satellite and on board computers. The initial reference calls for some explanation. After that, just the cab company name suffices. Same with "tric", short for a electric auto. I don't imagine it's good practice to make slang too burdensome, so these tactics must be used sparingly, but Anthony Burgess who wrote the dystopian novel A Clockwork Orange certainly didn't coddle his readers, but, then, I'm not Anthony Burgess, and A Clockwork Orange is a novella...that is...fairly short.
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