I'm into the ninety-something in pages typed into the computer from the yellowed, hard copy of the The Man In The Mirror manuscript. Manning continues unabated and slow, and, tonight (throat irritant warning) I nearly gassed myself to death, making dinner. Made a skillet dish of seitan and cabbage to spoon over rice or potato. After browning the seitan in teaspoon of olive oil, I added two teaspoons of dried thyme, some garlic and red pepper flakes, but as soon as I dropped the thyme into the hot skillet, smoke ascended from the pan, and I began to cough. Am still coughing, hours later.

Speaking of movies, tonight, wife and I viewed Corpo Celeste. A brilliant Italian film with several references to the work of my favorite director, Federico Fellini. Like all my favorite movies from the 60s and 70s, the film ended in delightful ambiguity. Magnifico! Even more delightful, I have found myself discussing the evil/good false fantasy world of modern movies with several brilliant youths fully involved with the computer life. They give me hope, and I won't be around to feel it.
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