Let's Speak The Same Language

Friday, October 9, 2015


Nine more chapters of rewriting of Ghoul World remain. The senior dizziness departed after three days of it. Felt better today as I made revision decisions. Learned something new about self today. I'm on the 3rd rewrite of Ghoul World, and as the final 9 of 48 chapters appear before me, I'm growing bored with the process. Same thing happened near the end, during the 2nd rewrite of Ghoul World. What does this signify, I wonder? 

Disappointment. My novel takes place in a world where a type of necrotizing fasciitis infects all humans. They now call themselves ghouls to distinguish themselves from Irishers (red heads) who are immune from the disease. I just learned that The Maze Runner somewhat employs a plague that creates zombies. Of course, my Earth people aren't zombies. They're just rotting. In the final stages of the plague, they become irrational and dangerous, but this is when the disease begins to attack the brain after a lifetime of merely rotting flesh.

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