I'm having a difficult time writing for the past few days. Perhaps it's the election that didn't go my way. Last night I tried to meditate a bit and when I asked myself about the cause of my fear, I came up with the thought that I fear living in a heartless world. Well, I think that's a fair assumption, and my fear dovetails nicely into the prostate cancer I'm living with. Feeling death hovering in my consciousness does lead me to feel less powerful and less likely to survive a cruel and dog eat dog culture that I imagine will soon be coming our way. Actually the dog eat dog culture is already here, has always been here, looming just outside our conscious world. Ain't that the reason that all religions more or less begin with how to deal with human suffering and with fear of death that our conscious species must unconsciously live with? Talk about a cliche?
Also having to sit to pee is probably at a very deep place in my psyche troubling me. Diapers create the situation. There's no slip through to slip through, so I get to deal with the woman's toilet seat dilemma every time I pee out in the world so to speak. Happily I recently read that sitting down to pee fits quite nicely with our animal ancestors. The bladder is built to function best down on all four "legs".
So much for me today, sitting at a downtown Starbucks typing this, considering death and toilet seats while still questing to get someone other than myself to publish a novel of mine before I kick a bucket that seems a little bit closer than it did when I began this bucket list quest.
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