Let's Speak The Same Language

Tuesday, October 16, 2018


A beautiful sunny warm day in Vancouver, and I'm supposed to be writing at the River Maiden. That's our Honda Civic outside, resting in the shade. Didn't sleep well last night. My mind is elephant tired. No day for writing. I'm about 25 pages from finishing the 11th rewrite, and I've been stuck for several days now from being tired or unmotivated. When I'm like this, I'll go over a previous days corrections and find new worse errors. So I shall not write today, even though I got up earlier than usual and started rewriting earlier. Just too tired to care. Will try to walk on Burnt Bridge Creek trail. Maybe a stroll would be better than a walk. If you've read this far, looking for news of Pope Francis, you won't find it. I just thought I'd see how many people ended up here by Googling him. I like him, by the way. Sad he messed up the pedophile situation. His heart seems to be in the right place.

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