trumpery, the word |
I'm on my third story in a week: "Game Of Hearts", "Activated Charcoal" the first two. I'm beginning a third today named temporarily "Superstition". Notice that I put quotation marks around the short story titles. And I use italics for novel titles. These affectations result from earning my Masters In English. I believe those are recommended by the Chicago Manual of Style which was the standard. Many professors demanded those stylistic requirements. What about movie titles and song titles? I know I could do research to trigger my recall of those long ago days, but, let me be honest, I truly don't care to take the time. I'd do it if it came up in a short story and I needed the detail. I'd rather use italics for everything. These days of trumpery, I suppose I would demand those standards of students if I were teaching. I'd forgotten all about that word, trumpery. Amazing how it came to me just now. And how fitting it is for these days of worthless nonsense in the White House.
Lastly, my first submission of a current story was returned from a reputable literary magazine. But I was specifically asked to submit again. That feels better than outright rejection.
You're so active!