Let's Speak The Same Language

Saturday, July 13, 2013


Did absolutely no writing today—except the limping poem below. Had I written, I'd certainly have dispatched Chapter Sixteen of Angie's Choice. I feel the thrill of the hunt as the end draws near for that rewrite with only 6 more chapters to go, but today is my wife's birthday. We've been having fun together, swapping spit and partying on Mississippi Street. We went to the Mississippi Street Fair and found another vegan place to eat, the Homegrown Smoker Food Cart at 4233 N. Mississippi Street. 
She munched down 
on a Macnocheeto Burrito 
while I chomped on
a Tempeh Rib Sammich very neeto.
Great sauce and greens,
that rhyme with yum,
and a side of BBQ beans
so good for the tumtum. 

The sea of people in the video was awesome. Mississippi Street slopes down toward downtown Portland. At first that river of people was a mirage. I didn't realize it was a river of people, then I got it, and my wife and I swam from one end to the other. A good two hour walk in the afternoon sunshine.

Back to the task on Monday. Humanists of Greater Portland tomorrow. 

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