Let's Speak The Same Language

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Well, looks like this writing game is paying off big time. A royalty check from Authorhouse, my publisher. 

A long string of beautiful weather days ahead. Walking continues to entice me out from in front of my writing machines, both the desktop and the laptop. I'm happy if I get a couple of pages rewrite done in a day. I'm still rewriting the first 170 pages, having now removed and put back in the same chapter 7 twice and having to rewrite in order to make sure all is consistent with that chapter. I finally put the chapter back in, with one small variation in it, because it adds complexity and mystery to the novel. What I had to do was make sure that I understood all the ramifications of what the chapter 7 complications mean throughout the novel. Mainly, the difficulty had to do with who knows what when, as in ... if these people know this now, then it doesn't make sense when this other guy does that later. I still say plotting a mystery or detective yarn is more difficult than plotting a psychological novel. OR, maybe I'm just too old for any act of writing to be uncomplicated. Also, of course, I continue to read serious fiction and that gets my juices flowing to return to something other than a futuristic detective novel ... or is that just pee running down my leg?


  1. Congratulations on your royalty check! You are never too old to write and to be rewarded for your talents. Good job George. You are a smart man.

    1. It's me George. Your fb friend Sylvia Ching. Wonder why I'm listed as unknown. Keep on walking and enjoying the great outdoors. I know I'm doing that too.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Thank you, unknown, whomever you are.
