Let's Speak The Same Language

Friday, May 24, 2013


I now hold that Pandora's box, the 2013 Writer's Market, Delux Edition in my sweaty little hand. One and 7/8ths inches thick. A heavy burden. So many markets to try...I feel I'm a gem thief, looking for a fence. I'm in for it now with so many opportunities for rejection. I know the routine—50 out and 1 accepted. Maybe in my old age, the odds will improve. I'm also writing essays now. That puts me all into game...poetry, short stories, essays and novels. Maybe I ought to try my hand at greeting cards while I'm at it:
Paula Munier, agent extraordinaire

Jack be nimble.
Jack be quick. 
We hear you've scorched your _ _ _ _
On a candle wick.
Get well soon, old Jackson,
And, dad burst it, remember...
You're s'posed to blow it out first! 

Still and for all that...my goal remains to get one of my novels or a book of essays published by a legit publishing house before they all go bankrupt or I drop dead in the process. And, darn it, I've got that novel idea turning over in my hectic head.

The photo is off the internet of one of the two agents I'm currently querying about my feminist novel, Angie's Choice. Her photo reveals a puckish personality, don't you think?

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