Let's Speak The Same Language

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


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One of many problems with being an older writer, besides drooling in my coffee cup, is...

I joined a writers group over in Portland, the chwg or Coffee House Writers Group. The format was ideal. Readers read from 3 to 5 pages, double-spaced, aloud and everyone could comment or not. Further, not everyone read each Saturday. I was impressed by the intelligence and brightness of that group, but after three meetings, I realized that I could only hear about 1/3 of what was being read and little of the comments. My frustration was complete and, disappointed, I had to withdraw to find a group which was more reliant on the typewritten page to work from. 

I've now found that in a Vancouver group, SW WA/OR Write To Publish, and I attended my first meeting today. Wonderful, I thought, but it has the noble ideal of letting every member's work be critiqued each Wednesday. After two hours my antsy self had to dance away, but I'll be more prepared next Wednesday to stick it out. There has to be an upper limit to the number that the group can accommodate comfortably, but time will tell. Trouble is I'm feeling a little guilty because I'm adding one more member to the number of writers whose work will be critiqued each Wednesday.

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